Problems with WebChat deployment

Chat window is empty

A non-functioning webchat may be caused by a forbidden Web Socket protocol on the internal company network based on some company policy, which will not happen when real users access it from the Internet. The following link launches a virtual assistant using older technology that should pass through the corporate restriction, but does not support displaying indicators that the bot is currently typing. If that doesn't help, ask for more information about the browser and operating system being used. - ... replace with a bot ID without feedbot- prefixu

The chat window will not appear

  • For hosting established before 8.3.2021, all domains where WebChat will run must be enabled by Feedyou
  • The test mode isn´t enabled in the bot?? For testing, you can bypass that by adding #feedbot-test-mode flag to the end of the URL
  • The "Visibility" isn´t set to "never" in the WebChat settings in the "Channel settings" section in Designer